Our learning specialists’ community of practice
Beyond our internal team, we’re grateful to be part of a tri-campus ecosystem of learning strategists with whom we’ve built a thriving professional network over the years. With members from our own multi-disciplinary team, along with the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Molecular Genetics, Rotman Commerce, St. George Accessibility Services and many other units, our Learning Specialists’ Community of Practice meets monthly on Friday mornings to talk shop and trade strategies—and we always welcome new members. To join, send us a note at clss@utoronto.ca.
Guides for our colleagues’ day-to-day work
Here’s a curated set of resources that we’ve created over the years to help you help your students navigate available academic supports, ranging from templates and tip sheets to lengthier pedagogical guides. And we’re continually building more. Feel free to browse, download and deploy these when working with students to enrich your practice. If you have any questions—or suggestions—our team is always here to lend a hand or lend an ear.